Monday, July 18, 2011

Can I reenlist for Infantry if not an E-5?

Well I been hearing rumors about if your not a sergeant or higher than you cant reenlist. My ETS date is June of 2013 and I joined the Army Jan 2010 with a 3year and 16weeks contract. Being so I doubt I could make sergeant by the time im supposed to get out at least I went to Ranger school and got my tab or sucked a lot of dick which that's not me. So what could I do? and I dont wanna reclass to being a POG id rather get out than do that.

If a dog had emergency surgery 3 months previously would a vet noticed a tumor of the spleen or liver.?

The emergency surgery was for an infected uterus. Shiloh Shepherd 11.5 years old. Uthanized this week due to internal bleeding from either a tumor of the spleen/liver.

Are these names good for a girl?

All good except kody(boyish) and misery payne (sounds like ur child brings misery and pain lol) no need for her to grow up getting teased

How do I get over the fact that my boyfriend cheated on me?

Okay well hers is the thing, my boyfriend cheated on me a long time ago with his ex girlfriend.He admitted it was a stupid mistake and that he loved me. After he told me what he did the next day I broke up with him right there and then. I didn't want to talk to him or look at him or anything. The summer came and we both did Cross Country. I thought I was over him, but I couldn't help falling for him again. Slowly I started talking to him again and I made it clear I just wanted to be friends. Then the school year started and we talked more and we finally went out again. I told him that if he ever anything like that again I would never talk to him again. That I would act like he didn't even exist. Ever since then he's been the most perfect boyfriend. I know he was sorry, and HONESTLY sorry. He always does little things for me. I mean the guy is so great he even gets me orange juice when he thinks I'm getting sick! Well anyway, I always tell myself to put everything that happened behind but I just can't. I still have that sense of Betrayal. He doesn't even talk to his Ex after what happened or gives me a reason to doubt him one bit. I know he would NEVER do that again. He showed me that I can trust him but I just can't get over it. We have been together for 2 years and I love him.. So how do I get over the fact that he cheated on me even though it was so long ago?

Internet boyfriend forced me to strip in front of webcam 4 years ago. Don't know what to do?

It was not a sister you were talking to it was him, it was him all along, but because it was so long ago not much you can do. the beating story was only a way to get sympathy. learn your lesson and play safe

Is she lying about having cancer?

One of my best friends told me she has breast cancer. She's 15. I moved away from the town she lives in about 7 months ago. In April, I was told she had breast cancer and I cried for nights. I've been calling her and talking to her and supporting her for this whole time. Back in april she said she found out she had it 4 months earlier, which was about 7 months ago. She said shes done surguries and they are sure she has cancer and it is spreading. She said it was spreading so fast that there is no use in taking chemo and she's dying this summer. I believed her all along but ive had a bit of doubt in the back of my mind when my best friend who sees her almost everyday says that her story just doesnt add up, and nothing seems right. She said she thought she was lying even though she really didnt want to believe that the girl was lying about something this big, but at the same time she wished it were a lie because none of us want to lose a friend soon! Well recently, i had been trying to reach her but she wouldnt reply to any means of communication. She reached my friends who told me that she is now cancer free and is feeling much better. She sent me an email sayng the same thing and i told her i was extremely happy for her. I asked her how she found out, like whats the details and she said she doesn't know, that the cancer stopped spreading "i guess". Now people are doubting her story.... thinking that it was a lie all along, and she says that shes glad she has me because im the only one that "understands". What do i do? Is this just a big LIE?

How can I trust my girlfriend when she's saying one thing and doing another?

About 4 months ago my girlfriend got a job at a casino. She came home one day telling me how her girlfriends at work was telling her that one of the blackjack dealers have a crush on her. I thought it was funny and so did she as if he never had a chance. Well about a month goes by and we're watching tv and her phone rings and it's him. She didn't answer it and exclaimed that she had no idea why he was calling, but 15 mins later said hE was calling cause he has a friend that repairs body damaged on cars and was needing her car info to get a qoute. I was a little upset cause she lied but again just shrugged it off. Then she goes out with some friends and doesn't at all invite me and that's cool, girls night and I'm okay with that but I find out he's going. So I step up and ask what's going on, I know he has a crush on you and i don't appreciate him hanging out with you when I'm not around. She blows up on me and says he's just a friend he knows I have a boyfriend and would never do anything like that and hes a great guy and really sweet, basically makes me feel like a complete jackass for saying anything. Then about another month goes by and she goes to the lake with friends and hes there but I didn't say anything.Then today he comes to her salon and gets a hair cut and then takes her to lunch! I'm trying not to be mad, I love her very much and I know if I say anything she'll flip it back on me like last time. Idk if I'm different but I don't want another guy taking my girl out anywhere...there's no doubt in my mind he still has a crush on her even though my girl is denying that and saying there just friends. I don't know what to do, Im I supposed to say something again or just stop getting so angry and get over the fact that someother guy is trying to move in on my girl and she's allowing it. We've been together for 7-8 months. Any advice out there would help! Thanks!

I'm sick of hearing my mother in law say that leaving a baby to cry is good for their lungs, what can I say?

LOL! My MIL and grandma tell me the same thing! I don't believe it is good for their lungs or their emotional stability to cry. The baby crying being good for the lungs is only in the first few days of life when their may be left over amniotic fluid in there. Crying helps to clear it. If your baby is 5 months old, the only thing letting him cry does is teaching him mommy won't be there to meet his needs. I really don't care what my MIL or grandma think about my not so tidy house. I would never be able to continue cleaning with a crying infant in her swing! If she needs me, I am her mom and crying is her only form of communication to me. So that is what I would tell her. :)

HELP,Im sorta a player & people keep on telling me I'll die lonely because of that...?

you should take their advice it might be fun and games now when you are 24 but nobody likes a 40 yr old player. that is just a joke to women and a huge turn off. you don't want to be older wondering why you never settled down. i would cherish women more if i were you.

How to tell if a dog ate a screw?

Let's see I left them in the house at around 2 or 230 pm and came back at around 5:45 and there was a loaf of bread that was eaten and two boxes of screws that were ripped open. I doubt either of them ate either on the count of they are picky eaters. Also, another loaf of bread was taken down but they didnt open it. She hasnt eaten all of her food yet but that's normal for her she just snacks on it and saves it (idk) but I just gave her a dog biscuit which she ate with little trouble and actually stole my other dog's treat. Does she sound fine?

I wish I never let myself be fooled into thinking hope exists?

I seriously wish I never let myself fall in love in college and have my two kids...not because I don't love them but because I'm just not good enough for them. I'm too damaged and no matter how much I want to have hope that things will stay this great with my family, I know they won't. I find myself hating everything about life except my family but I feel selfish for them having to be with me when I know I'm not capable of feeling love. I find myself holding my baby and he doesn't feel real and I worry that when I can't feel him in my arms and put him down I'll wake up and my family won't be there and this will have all been a dream and I cry. All I can think of is all I have to lose and all the misery that exists in this world that my children will have to be around. If I die they will hurt and if I live I can't protect them from this world and reality either way they suffer....either way I suffer...we all suffer and I can't do anything about it. There is no hope. Why did I fool myself into believing that happiness exists here and that there is hope and bring kids into this horrible world? I'm sorry I'm ranting at this point but I'm at the end of my rope. I just keep wondering if I should have killed myself when I had the chance and spared everyone the misery of my existence in their lives?

What is the most beautiful bird to have as a pet?

That looks like a yellow/red conure? I tight it was rlly pretty but I doubt my parent would pay above 100 dollars for a bird sadly anyways thanks :3

What is this plant? In pain!?

I dunno the plant, sounds exotic or something from a warm climate. I would use aloe vera or milk. Soak your feet in it. Also a mixture of baking soda and water applied will relieve itch. Leave on for an hour and wipe. Take benadryl if it persists.

Who do i call? Or what do i do..?

My boyfriend is really depressed and angry with himself and feels like everything bad in his life(which is a lot of things, even if i already know about everything which i doubt) i want to call someone, like a hotline to ask them what i can do to give him hope. I dont know what to say to him to do this because there really is none since hes going to be sent away soon to live with relatives who live in the middle nowhere. I care a lot . but if you can give me advice, or a hotline to call, or anything thatd be great. His parents wont help, and i dont think he can get therapy because of the situation with his parents

How can you defend your beliefs against the arguments?

Your 5 strongest arguments are proof that you lack understanding of this spiritual book, reading and studying it in a literal sense is 99% for the cause of the misunderstanding.

I missed a court hearing.. what's gonna happen?

well whats gonna happen when they find you they will charge you with failure to arrive also your bail will be raised and you will have a longer time in jail

America sucks, isn't Europe better?

If you don't like America, you're free to GET OUT. And, if you aren't from here, then you're also free to stay away.

Problems with traps. Fat sitting on top or Muscle imbalance?

Ok, I kind of have a problem and I'm not sure if it's serious or not. Everytime I get into a push up position I look in the mirror with my shirt off and notice that my right trap seems to be bigger than my left. But when I'm standing straight both sides are aligned. I've recently booked an appointment with my doctor to see if I have some problem with my spine, but I highly doubt it since scoliosis doesn't run in my family. Other than that I'm 5'8, Male, and 150LB...and I do admit I'm kind of chubby lol. So, I'm not sure if this is a muscle imbalance or just fat sitting on my one side. I know you can't spot reduce, but I'd like to know if anyone has come across this before. Oh yea, I've also started going to the gym with my brother to get fit, but not entirely sure if it's fat or not. Thanks in advance!

What would you name Piper's little sister?

I love the name Piper for a girl, but I need another girl's name to go with it. I was thinking, Ellery, Shiloh, or Avalon, but I would appreciate more suggestions! Thanks :D

Christians, would you consider this excerpt heresy and blasphemy?

"Strange, indeed, that you should not have suspected that your universe and its contents were only dreams, visions, fiction! Strange, because they are so frankly and hysterically insane - like all dreams: a God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice and invented hell - mouths mercy and invented hell - mouths Golden Rules, and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites this poor, abused slave to worship him!

What do I do about my Depression, Do I go to the hospital?

The hospital won't do anything unless you are actively trying to commit suicide.... they will just suggest you go back to your doctor to try a different anti depressant and refer you to a psychologist for therapy.... The hospital is really reserved for absolute crisis patients. Try switching to a different anto depressant... this one is not working for you.

Do you think I should date this guy?

He is really hot, and can be sweet at times. But he also comes off as "desperate" to other people.. we've been hanging out a lot but I'm having some doubts. What should I do? Should I date him and see how it goes, or just end what I thought we had?

Misery Index highest in 28 yrs. instead of "Summer of Recovery" do u think it will be "Summer of Misery"?

Well it seems leading indicators are all positive. In fact they have been positive for quite some time now. Maybe you didn't know but we have been informed by the Obama administration that the stimulus was primarily intended to keep teachers, police and firefighter from losing there jobs and that it has succeeded in that. Nearly $800 billion to keep predominantly union workers employed. Now union labor makes up about 6% of the work force. Maybe that is why they keep pushing of another stimulus. They forgot about the other 94% of the workforce. Anyway since the summer of recovery they economy has responded nicely to give us 9.1% unemployment thus far. Not only that but at least one shrimp is in great shape now and it didn't have to pay a penny in gym membership fees. Bravo.

What do you think of my poem?

It's a diatribe, and no matter your age, many have experienced the same. What I found in it after your venting was the last stanza,,, hopefully you get it,,, the hope involved, even if not easy.

Why won't my parents let me hang out with my friends?

By looking at your username, i think you asian? that's probaly why and it sucks huh? well, you're not alone on this! asian parents are always strict and dont trust their children with anybody else but them. thats just the way it is. i cant even go to a girl friend house without my parents checking in with her parents and making sure she is there before he leaves... so yeah=/ aint nothing we can do bout it. but hopefully as we get older, they'll see we are growing up maturer

My Crush Was Shaking Around Me?

He either has social anxiety, just normally has hand shaking(lots of people do) or he likes you! Considering all the eye contact I think he's really into you! Take charge and ask him out already! =D

The film "Whore" by Thomas Dekker?

Im trying to find the film "Whore" its directed by thomas dekker (from within, a nightmare on elm street 2010) i've seen it on wikipedia and IMDb but i cant seem to find it anywhere. Ive looked on youtube for a trailer and have looked on amazon to buy it but i cant seem to find it anywhere. I looks quite good, its got thomas dekker, megan fox and shiloh fernandez etc.... if anyone can find where i could buy or watch (preferably without downloading or signing up for anything) this it would be much appreciated. thanks :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Will this actually matter?

In my school we HAVE to take US history Junior year. and to graduate I only need 4 years of english and Global. 3 years of everything else. I am taking APUSH next year and my counselor said I was fine, so I'm sure you will be ok.

Your opinion of these full names?

I'm not a fan of your girl names, all a little too trendy for me. Garrett is fine. I'd prefer Noelle over Amberlynn. Amber without the lynn is fine.


here is what will happen if you pay the fine in full the D.A. will cut a deal most likely no jail time and possibly end your probation. you can get the no jail deal without the lawyer just talk to the D.A. but to get the probation lifted you will need a lawyer. if you cant pay the fine then you will get 30-90 days in jail for the violation and since you haven't been paying on the fine the judge may order you to set out your fine in jail and that time is different for each county and state some only pay 5 dollars a day towards your fine the highest i have heard of was 100 dollars a day. if they want to be ***** they can revoke your probation completely and make you serve what is left of your probation in jail or prison

What would've happened if the confederates won the battle of shiloh?

The Union forces under U.S. Grant and D.C. Buell would have re-grouped and fought the Confederates at another location in Tennessee, and most likely would have been victorious, had the Confederates under P.G.T. Beauregard won the battle of Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh.


If you ask me, The new up and coming singer Bruno Mars is just absoloutely and 100% annoying and terrible to listen to. I will however hand it to him that he has a good singing voice. He is just so Gay!! (nothing wrong with that) But his songs and music videos are stupid, Pulling a piano down the streets? Singing in his room with 5 monkeys dancing around him? Like seriously people, if this is what the entertainment world is plunging into then I'd really hate to see what it will be like in 15 or 20 years because I would literally just like to be put out of my misery. Please Put the world out of it's misery and just kill Bruno Mars. I would not be surprised if he were gay. He looks like a midget Filipino Gay Jonas brother wannabe and his facial expressions really give out the message that he's "here and queer". I just really cannot stand him. All his songs suck and are over rated and flamboyantly preformed. Definetly wouldn't pay 10 cents to go to a Bruno Mars concert. Does ANYONE feel the same way? What do you guys think? Maybe it's just me..

Read this plot and tell me if you'd be interested in reading this when finished?

It's about someone called Travis and in the story everyone and everything is a figment of his imagination. In the story the characters from his imagination live out there life so the readers think that they are actual people. They soon end up having the same goal which is to get rid of any misery anyone would experience so they try to create a utopian world. Throughout the story Travis appears to be the antagonist and stops the characters from achieving their goal whereas in reality he is trying to create a eutopian world aswell. The characters end up going insane and have to continue assuring themselves that they are only human when they aren't. The interesting thing is that the whole book will be written in dialogue to create the illusion of what is going on in Travis's mind and I won't say where they are exactly except if it is brought up in the conversation. The thing I can't decide on is whether or not to stop using dialogue in the last chapter when Travis steps out into reality.

Please explain the Battle of Shiloh simply?

I have trouble understanding the material about Civil War battles that my history teacher gives us (It's very complex high school/college level material, and I'm in middle school.) and I have to write a paper on the Battle of Shiloh but I don't entirely understand what happened. It's due Monday and all I really know is that Grant was waiting at Pittsburg Landing for reinforcements and Johnston attacked, the Confederacy nearly won on the first day but the Union defeated them on the second, and that there were insanely high casualties on both sides. Please answer in your own words, easy to understand, don't just copy and paste stuff. Help!

What is he upto ... can anybody help me?

Mr is definitely is enjoying all the attention,looking at the amount of melodrama he has put up.I think he is enjoying bragging abt it( its the whole "misleading" part which is strange).He is attracted to u, and maybe is looking forward for more.

Mkk relationship question?

Mmk so me and my girlfriend have been like dating kinda or whatever for a year almost and we are both 14 going into high school and we like always tell eachother we love eachother exept when were arguin or whatever but i always tell her shes beautiful and all of that stuff we dont argue that much anymore but we are always talking about our future we have held hands only twice and like hug alot but i mean we havent really actualy started dating and we are not girlfriend and boyfriend we just always tell eachother we love eachother and were waiting till like sophomore year to actualy date but i have to ask her dad for permission and stuff but my question is how long do u think we will last!? And when we argue we always make it through withought a doubt and we have like planned our whole life and stuff so haha yeah but i just gave u a huge sum of our relationship but how long do u think we will last?

Are ADD meds really that bad for you?

I think I have ADD but my parents wont get me meds because it's bad for you. I took one of my friend's pills one time and I could focus way more and it felt like my head was clear and I had no anxiety. I also believe I have social anxiety and because of that I always tend to think too much, so maby that is why I can't seem to listen or concentrate. Are social anxiety meds just as bad for you as ADD meds? My parents say it's all bad for you but my outlook on the situation is everybody is going to die sooner or later so why should I live my life in misery (without pills) just so I can have a prolonged life of misery?

Did i **** up my friendship?! *more than 5 answers please.?

Kay so people think fuckn my bestfriend is okay.. i love him always have always will he is just someone who will stay in my heart. We used to be together two years aqo.. we were realllllly wasted though and didnt know what we were doing.. i feel like we ruined what we have. What shud i do? Besides talk to him, i doubt we will

What does the phrase "Debt is a bottomless sea" means? What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a?

Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? How can you translate those? And also "Misery loves company" the meaning please

Would you commit suicide given the following situation...?

Suppose you are so uncomfortable in a physical body that you feel like youre imprisoned in a block of concrete. You have the constant feeling of being inside something hard and immovable without the ability to see, hear or speak. Suppose you remember what its like to be free and able to move about and feel the sun on your skin and breathe fresh air. Suppose also that, if you did commit suicide, you would be deeply devestating someone you love and care about deeply. Would you continue existing in a feeling of entrapment if it meant that your loved one remained unharmed? In other words would your loved ones happiness be worth a life of misery for you?

Can Acid/LSD kill you?

Chances are, its not oging to kill you , regardless of weight class .... but a person could suffer from an allergic reaction to a substance found in LSD ...

Wanna hear what *possibly* could be a ghost story?

I was vacuuming out my room today, and when I was vacuuming the area inside my closet, the vacuum cleaner started going crazy for a sec, and when it stopped, one of our cat's little stuffed mouse toys was just lying there. It's like it suddenly appeared there, because I've never even seen it lying there. Maybe it came out of the vacuum, but the mouse still looked like it was in pretty good condition, not like it has been in a vacuum, and it doesn't even look small enough that it could get sucked into a vacuum. The toy is about, maybe 2 inches wide, and 1 inch thick? It's one of those catnip toys too. And our cats couldn't have brought into my room, because there's never any chance for them to get into my room, because I always close my door the second I go out of my room. And I highly doubt my family would just throw it into my closet to pull some sort of prank. I'm probably going to sound stupid, and you guys can laugh if you want, and it's probably nothing paranormal, but it kind of freaked me out ;) What do you guys think?

Salicylic Acid vs Alpha Hydroxy Acid vs Benzoyl Peroxide for Acne?

Okay so I have been using a 3 step treatment for my acne that includes a Benzoyl Peroxide cleanser, a Salicylic oil-free moisturizer and a Salicylic acid spot treatment, my acne still appears sometimes even after 6 months of using this. I'm starting to doubt the effectiveness of this treatment. After looking at, the main founder of the site recommended AHA or Alpha Hydroxy Acid over Salicylic acid. My Question is which one of these treatments work the best on moderate acne? - Thanks.

Song I'm Looking For But Can't Find?

All the lyrics I can remember are "You aint gotta worry cuz its down for me. I like the way he makes me feel." It's hip-hop. Not that Barbara whatever her name is crap. i doubt anyone knows what i'm talking about but its worth a try.

What do you think of this name?

I'm getting a parakeet in august an Im hoping for a male that is blue and white and I was thinking the name Shiloh.

Money saving tips and more please!?

Alright so I really want the Nikon D3100 camera! My little digital one is crap, it's 8mega pixels and sucks! So my mother and I made a deal that if I save up all the money necessary for it, (around $700Canadian because I live in canada). So far I have $70, my plan was to buy the camera on boxing day when everythings on sale, this summer i'll be babysitting but I highly doubt I'll make enough for the camera. So I need ideas for how to make money and how to save money! Please!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why does God create us and cause us such misery?

Life is so pointless. You are born, you die and in between you suffer. I would much rather not have been born.

For millennia the mass has been crippled by God, why?

Simply because of the priesthood. They never wanted you to be healthy and whole. Their whole profession was dependent on your misery and pain. They were the people who were covering your misery and pain and giving you hope in an empty world. The hope is just like a carrot hanging in front of you. You never reach it, but it is so close it feels you are going to reach-if not today then tomorrow. The carrot is always hanging in front of you.

Is my friend bisexual?

Tactfully level with him about your confusion over the mixed signals he's sending you and ask him to clear the air with you once and for all. Then go from there.

What dog breed closely resembles it's wild relatives? (IF IT'S TOO LONG - DON'T HAVE TO READ)?

what dog breed closely resembles it's wild relatives? I know that huskies, malamutes, german shepherds, akita's, alaskan klee kai's, american alsatians, belgian shepherd dogs, carpathian shepherd dogs, caucasian shepherd dogs, croatian sheepdogs, czechoslovak wolf-dogs, east european shepherds, dutch shepherd dogs, east siberian laikas, eurasiers, estrela mountain dogs (sort of?), greenland dogs, icelandic sheepdogs, j�mthunds, kai kens, korean jindo dogs, hokkaido's, mudis, norrbottenspets, norwegian buhunds, norwegian elkhounds, norwegian lundehunds, portuguese podengos, saarlooswolfhonds, seppala siberian sleddogs, shiba inus, shikokus, shiloh shepherd dogs, white shepherd dogs, west siberian laika all look just like wolves and sorry that i've wrote all the breeds down lol but they do so i'm very aware of which dog breeds look wolf-like and so for those of you looking to own pet wolves or wolf hybrids, i'm suggesting that you look up these breeds i've just listed and you won't be disappointed especially if wolves are illegal in your state/city and i'm aware that some small dog breeds resembles foxes like pomeranians, etc. not gonna list the rest of them lol but i'm mostly looking for dog breeds that resemble or looks just like jackals, coyotes, hyenas (not apart of the dog family but have dog-like behavior and resembles dogs), african wild dogs, dingoes, new guinea singing dogs, dholes, and raccoon dogs or any other domestic dog breeds resembling wild canines and i'm going to do my research online as well but will like to hear your thoughts on this like if you own domestic dog resembling a wild canine and what do you like about your pet?

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

She's probably into you or maybe she just finds u very attractive I'm a female and super straight but whenever I see a beautiful woman I can't help but stare maybe start talking to you just like friends and see how it goes from there

Why is everyone so upset with Angelina Jolie ??!?!?

Ok. so people are getting all mad and upset that she's trying to make Shiloh as boyish as possible. True, but it's her kid. When Shiloh is older and understands that she's is a female and should dress like a female there's nothing Angelina can do. I don't think that Shiloh will be lesbian when she's older. This 'phase' should pass over soon. What do you say to this ?!?!

Honest Opinions On These Names Please!?

I guess august would be ok it kind of sounds strange how about autumn. Rose is a classic name. Hazel would work if she had hazel eyes, but kind if sounds like a pet name. Evelynn sounds like a grandma name. I that Shiloh was a dogs name. Cyan would be a nice girls name like the color. Victory would be cool. My cousins names are Patent and Addison I thought those were different.

Living in a misery small house with a very loud family?

I can't relax in my life even in my home my family are so ****** annoying and I feel I'm gonna commit a crime here. I feel them directly in my head and I feel my head well gonna explode from the disturbing. I just lock my self in my room for days hating my life or I get out of my room and have fist fight with my brother. I always tell them everything can happen quietly no need to scream or yell but talking don't give any results with them. My mother is always out she say she can't live in this hell anymore and my father is always traveling for he's job and when he's back to home he don't give a **** about what's going on

Hate it, Love it or Neutral?

i like both names im not sure if they go together but either way theyll ghrow together. i picture a little girl with light brown hair a little bossy but cute nonetheless

Do you like the song "Misery"?

Not really. I find it simplistic and the music doesn't really match the lyrics (which is classic Paul, though I can't remember if it was him or John who wrote it). It's not their worst, but it's definitely not their best.

Should I join the Marine Corp before or after I attend college?

Once youre 18 it doesn't matter. Do what YOU want to do. I didnt join the Marines because my parents, friends, girlfriend wanted or didnt want me to. I did it because I wanted to. If you wanna come in and try to be an officer youre gonna have to get college first. If you have some college you can probably come in a contract PFC and skip private. Or you can join right away and work your way up through the enlisted ranks. No way is a bad way. Just do what you want to do.

I'm a bi boy I have a question about my crush?

Tell him that you're not into games and he if he likes you then he should be with you. However, this method is risky and could lead to a painful answer. But that's how you move on.

Does life get any better after high school?

High school hasn't exactly been great. not going into detail with all that's gone on, but I'm having doubts about life when you finish it. From what I hear, isn't it just way more stressful after graduation? like holding a job, paying bills, raising a family (if thats your thing) and college and a long list of things that I won't continue to list? is it really worth living when the 4 years are over?

Please tell me what you think of my poem?

OMG tht was amazing!!!! tht is the best poem ive ever heard i like it ALOT!!!! i can almost feel what you feel in the poem it amazing!!

I have been with my boyfriend five years im 22 he is 30 i accuse him alot and nag him alot its like a disease?

i cant stop he takes care of home he does for my little girl and she is not his we have one on the way though and it will be his first child. My problem is that i found a condom in his coat pockett three years ago he said he didnt use them i found it again this year once and last year once i know he cud be lien but he swears me down he does not cheat. I wanna believe him and give him the benefit of the doubt. Should i forgive him....this man does anything for me and my child and now im carrying his first child do you all think he can change if he is cheating. I really cant say he is doing anything he is always with me and is in the house early everynight now since he found out im pregnant. were having a girl. How can we make this work? He does not seem to wanna be with anybody else he says he wants to get married and b a family idk what to do but i know i should stop nagging him so much being that he brings in the bread

Is ADD medication really that bad for you?

I think I have ADD but my parents wont get me meds because it's bad for you. I took one of my friend's pills one time and I could focus way more and it felt like my head was clear and I had no anxiety. I also believe I have social anxiety and because of that I always tend to think too much, so maby that is why I can't seem to listen or concentrate. Are social anxiety meds just as bad for you as ADD meds? My parents say it's all bad for you but my outlook on the situation is everybody is going to die sooner or later so why should I live my life in misery (without pills) just so I can have a prolonged life of misery?

Please share your opinions?

Time to abroad the plan to my misery. I say this, because I have to leave my beautiful beaches around California, and my boyfriend. Trading two of my beloved. For the snowy trip to Alaska. Ugh! I hate it there all ready. The only reason it is a "I must go", is because my dad's wife just died. I am suppose to cheer him up. With the help of my horrible stepsister. ��

What do you think of these names?

Please don't name your kid prince michael. And Shiloh either. ThEre was a girl who got bullied to death at my school named Shiloh. I know theres no relation but for the sake of your kid don't do it.ball of the other names are lovely though :)

Do you like my plot for a novel?

It's about someone called Travis and in the story everyone and everything is a figment of his imagination. In the story the characters from his imagination live out there life so the readers think that they are actual people. They soon end up having the same goal which is to get rid of any misery anyone would experience so they try to create a utopian world. Throughout the story Travis appears to be the antagonist and stops the characters from achieving their goal whereas in reality he is trying to create a eutopian world aswell. The characters end up going insane and have to continue assuring themselves that they are only human when they aren't. The interesting thing is that the whole book will be written in dialogue to create the illusion of what is going on in Travis's mind and I won't say where they are exactly except if it is brought up in the conversation. The thing I can't decide on is whether or not to stop using dialogue in the last chapter when Travis steps out into reality. To clarify Travis isnt dreaming and the story is that he is merely projecting his goal onto the characters. However whenever something goes wrong he kills off the character in weird ways which subtly hints that something isn't right. This soon creates the idea that there is no such thing as perfection because noone ever succeeds in creating utopia. Later on Travis gains a connection to the figments and feels he should create utopia since he killed off most of the characters. This is when the real world and his imagination clash because the barrier was him being evil in his imagination but now he's become good.

What do you think of this story beginning?

Brilliant florescent orbs of light were just floating, floating weightless without the presence of guilt, pain, or the deep dark depths of misery that can almost swallow an entity whole if left unguarded. The orbs almost seemed to dance in front of a maroon background that Nella had first mistaken for black until her wild emerald eyes adjusted to her strange and unusual settings. The orbs taunted her, with each sway to the side and bob up and down that they made. Being able to have no sense of feelings, worries, or even life for that matter made her jealous with nasty green shades of envy. Not a care in the world. Everything so effortless, so easy. Observing these sickening objects dancing and swaying in front of her did not make her feel the least bit better. Why she felt this way, she hadn't the slightest clue, but all she knew was that it was agony. Pure agony. Every thought besides the ones about her pain were being swept away, and she had become to forget to wonder why she was here or anything else in her mind that needed the slightest bit of attention. Just agony and swirling lights and colors. Nothing else.

Was it the right decision?

sometimes doing the right thing hurts. You are helping him by standing by what you said. This may be the wake up call he needs. Go to a few Al-Anon meetings. That will help you sort your feelings. Good luck.

Should Obama declare "Punch an ATM Day", and maybe "Kill a Kiosk Day"?

As payback for all of the destroyed bank teller jobs and airline check in clear jobs, and the economic misery those innovations have caused our Dear Leader and ourselves?

Help me find this Jacket!! Best Answer!?

You can find it in Michael Jackson store! Or go to fashion design they can make this exact thing for you! I hope it helps! Good luck!

Why do people think that the Lakers or knicks could sign Dwight Howard or Chris Paul?

Billups' contract is only a 1 year option. Guess who becomes a free agent when his deal is up ? Im not saying the Knicks will get CP3 or not but saying that Billups' contract is the reason they wont is incorrect.

My sister is taking advantage of the system and I don't know what to do...?

Turn her in. You're sister is a lazy person. She's exactly what I hate. I mean you see lazy people everyday cashing in on money they shouldn't be getting. It's her daughter's money not hers.

I want to commit suicide. Is there anything a guy like me has to live for?

suicide = a permanent solution to a temporary problem. i know it's a little cliche, but honestly, it's true. :) you can get through this. it will take some time, but when everything works out (trust me, it will) you'll be even stronger.

What do you think about these names?

I think Marley would fit the dog perfect. Have you ever seen or read the book about the dog named Marley? Marley was and lab and he was playful, really sweet and definitely mischievous! lol. I think that name would fit your dog perfectly. But it isn't up to us.... It's whatever you think is just right for your new dog.

Misery Index - Amusing?

Does anyone else find this prhrase hilarious/enchanting? Don't you wish there was a real Misery Index (I mean, I know there is but) where you could look at it to see if you were miserable or not? Oh! only 5.2! I guess I'm not as miserable as I thought I was! or - uh-oh! I thought I was doing all right! Thank goodness the misery index is here to set me straight! -or -To see if the population is or not (like, are we more miserable now than we were in 1812 or whatever)

Nervous for my driving test?

im taking my driving test tomorrow on a closed course and i'm really nervous. I'm not a huge fan of driving in general and am always doubting myself. I've been practicing a bunch at the course the last few days and have done pretty well so i think i can pass unless my nerves get the best of me which is definitely possible. How can i calm myself down so my nerves don't affect my driving?

Was it not meant to be? or hold on? best answer= 10 points?

I believe that if this is honestly love, if you have that little tingle in your body when your around him, or you just love being with him physical or not, or anything that signs love, then it is meant to be. Remember, love has permanent obstacles. it might seem that way, but it really doesn't. If there is no possible way you can see him or be with him, then its obviously not real

Friday, July 15, 2011

What are your thoughts on these girl names?

In my opinion i think all of them are bad names...for a girl try something like: hope, angelic ,alex, angel, ashley, amy, tamie, taylor , jordan , jennifer, jinger,tatiana ,april , nicole, carlissia , selena and for boy names something like: cameron, camille, chris, justin, max , david, jake , bryan, jason, jackson, jim, jaylen,and jeremy

Drop out looking to gain highschool diploma?

I dropped out of high school about a year ago, I highly doubt they would let me back in, the main reason i left was because i didn't enjoy the atmosphere of high school so i was wondering if it's possible to earn your high school diploma at home, I really don't want to work at MacDonald s for the next twenty years, So any information is appreciated . THANK YOU.

Do you like this plot for a novel?

It's about someone called Travis and in the story everyone and everything is a figment of his imagination. In the story the characters from his imagination live out there life so the readers think that they are actual people. They soon end up having the same goal which is to get rid of any misery anyone would experience so they try to create a utopian world. Throughout the story Travis appears to be the antagonist and stops the characters from achieving their goal whereas in reality he is trying to create a eutopian world aswell. The characters end up going insane and have to continue assuring themselves that they are only human when they aren't. The interesting thing is that the whole book will be written in dialogue to create the illusion of what is going on in Travis's mind and I won't say where they are exactly except if it is brought up in the conversation. The thing I can't decide on is whether or not to stop using dialogue in the last chapter when Travis steps out into reality.

Dungeon siege 3 glitch, cant move?

Just started today I was playing and suddenly my character started to walk straight into the corner of the room in the middle of a fight and I couldn't stop it and every now and then mostly during fights he just stops and no buttons on the controller work except the main xbox button so after a while it will work again but its annoying it keeps happening. I want to be able to fix the problem, its either 1 of 3 things 1. my xbox witch I doubt because all my other game games are fine 2. The game, it could be but I installed it to the xbox 3. My controller which is most likely because I've dropped it loads and when it disconnects from the xbox I cant get it to reconnect unless I turn my xbox off and on but it can still be any of the 3 possibilities what would be the best way to fix the problem.

Would you agree that most people are police cult followers who are too stupid to think for themselves?

Anything that police tell them they believe and don't question it. Police are given the benefit of the doubt just because of the costume they wear!

How do you deal with jerks like this at work?

I work in a supermarket. I'm part time, and don't put in a lot of hours (for personal reasons). Everyone seems to be a gossip, and wants to know my business. They're always asking me about the hours I work (what time I come in, if I work the weekend and what time I go hone). One of the front-end coordinators once hounded me about the fact that I work less hours than most of the other workers there doing the same job, and kept insisting that I should work more. Apparently misery loves company, OR this guy is mentally ill. I laughed in his face about the discussion, and he went berserk on me; raising his voice and gritting his teeth. He's not a manager--just a young punk with a chip on his shoulder or something. I want to tell all of these people to shove off, but I'm a gentleman. How should I handle the situation?

So I'm not fit for college and I want to pursue my passion in another

A gifted writer doesn't *need* formal education, but it sure doesn't hurt. It expands your universe and improves your writing ability. Realistically though, probably less than 1% of writers can survive from their writing. You need a backup plan. Getting a college degree or learning a skilled trade will provide you the means to support yourself if writing doesn't pan out (or at least will keep you alive til your writing takes off). Good luck!

Was I to much of a jerk to my sister or did she have it coming?

I personally (always being left out by my siblings) think you were being reasonable...enjoy you time with the kids I bet there are a lot more fun then getting drunk, plus they will need someone to take care of them when the drunk and hung over mom comes home!!

Why does everyone keep bagging on Terrelle Pryor?

I mean, I know why, but I wish they'd stop. TP, while no doubt was a confused young man who let his stardom get in the way, was still basically a good kid who made a dumb mistake. It's not like he hurt anyone, he just sold some merchandise which, HELLO, was GIVEN TO HIM. And don't minimize what a great football player he was. The centerpiece of the team for the past 2 plus years. Columbus will miss you TP, good luck in the NFL.

Am I really that self righteous?

I think pretty low of people who blindly obey authority, discriminate against those not like them, moralize misery while immoralizing hapiness, respect those who have might while bullying those with no might, and putting social customs above the welfare of the people.

So Melina pisses off yet another diva Backstage? (Guess who + Thoughts and opinions)?

Wow. Team Gail! Melina has caused problems with soo many divas. She made some divas change in the HALLWAY. She's caused too many problems with nearly every diva in the division (and even divas like Candice, Ashley..etc) and if I were apart of the division right now, I would flip on her.

Rahul Gandhi exposed by an IIT student?

First Ask Pranav Mukherjee, Why isn't he giving the details of the account holders in the Swiss Banks. Ask your Mother, Who is impeding the Investigation against Hasan Ali? Ask her, Who got 60% Kickbacks in the 2G Scam ? Kalamdi is accused of a Few hundred Crores, Who Pocketed the Rest in the Common Wealth Games? Ask Praful Patel what he did to the Indian Airlines? Why did Air India let go of the Profitable Routes ? Why should the Tax Payer pay for the Air India losses, when you intend to eventually DIVEST IT ANYWAY!!! Also, You People can't run an Airline Properly. How can we expect you to run the Nation? Ask Manmohan Singh. Why/What kept him quiet for so long? Are Kalmadi and A Raja are Scapegoats to save Big Names like Harshad Mehta was in the 1992 Stock Market Scandal ? Who let the BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY Accused go Scot Free? ( 20,000 People died in that Tragedy) Who ordered the State Sponsored Massacre of SIKHS in 84? Please read more about, How Indira Gandhi pushed the Nation Under Emergency in 76-77, after the HC declared her election to Lok Sabha Void! (I bet She had utmost respect for DEMOCRACY and JUDICIARY and FREE PRESS) I guess you know the answers already. So My question is, Why the Double Standards in Judging Mayawati and members of your Family and Party? I condemn Mayawati. But Is She the only one you feel Ashamed for? What about the ones close to you? For their contribution to the Nation's Misery is beyond comparison. You talk about the Land being taken away from the Farmers. How many Suicides have happened under your Parties Rule in Vidarbha ? Does that Not Ashame You ? THE 72,000 CRORE LOAN WAIVER Your Party gave those Farmers a 72,000 Crore Loan Waiver. Which didn't even reach the Farmers by the way. So, Why don't you focus on implementing the policies which your govt. has undertaken, instead of earning brownie points by trying to manufacture consent by bombarding us with pictures of having food with Poor Villagers.... You want to feel ashamed. You can feel ashamed for your Party taking CREDIT for DEBITING the Public Money (72,000 crores) from the Government Coffers and literally Wasting it... You want to feel ashamed.. Feel ashamed for that... WHY ONLY HIGHLIGHT THIS ARREST? Dear Rahul, to refresh your memory, you were arrested/detained by the FBI the BOSTON Airport in September 2001. You were carrying with you $ 1,60,000 in Cash. You couldn't explain why you were carrying so much Cash. Incidentally He was with his Columbian girlfriend Veronique Cartelli, ALLEGEDLY, the Daughter of Drug Mafia. 9 HOURS he was kept at the Airport. Later then freed on the intervention of the then Prime Minister Mr.Vajpayee.. FBI filed an equivalent of an FIR in US and released him. When FBI was asked to divulge the information, by Right/Freedom to Information Activists about the reasons Rahul was arrested ... FBI asked for a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from Rahul Gandhi. So Subramaniyam Swami wrote a Letter to Rahul Gandhi, " If you have NOTHING to HIDE, Give us the Permission" HE NEVER REPLIED! Why did that arrest not make Headlines Rahul? You could have gone to the Media and told, "I am ashamed to call myself an INDIAN?". Or is it that, you only do like to highlight Symbolic Arrests (like in UP) and not Actual Arrests ( In BOSTON) Kindly Clarify.....

I started smoking today and my iPad killed my dog. What do I do?

On Man Vs. Wild Bear Grills said i should smoke before its to late and i was like sure what the ****. So i started to smoke in my car and all of a sudden the Marching Hammers crushed my car, the Rolling Stone lips licked me and Bob Dylan put me in his harmonica and blew me out. I went home to go on my iPad and then it said **** you and went on the gun app and shot my dog. Then I went to a party and woke up in a cell tied up with a dead guy next to me. Then a guy with targets on his face started talking. How do I get out of there? Now everything is going waaaaaahhhh and the world is melting and then Jeseus came and hit me and i flew into te ground and a read giy with horns started talking and then i shot him and i started to go on a rampage until i remembered i was hindu then Ganesha hit me with its trunk and tgen i remembered i actuallybwas a christian but then i wasnt sure. So i grew wings and flew to earth. When i woke up i was in the zoo and the zookeepers were doing the animals while a lion was doing my butt ao i said gtfo and he cried so i shot him to put him out of his misery. Then i got hit in the head by a zookeeper and when i woke up again i was in the museum of natural history in the ape exhibit. Can you drive me home?

Repost: is this plot-line good for a novel?

It's about someone called Travis and in the story everyone and everything is a figment of his imagination. In the story the characters from his imagination live out there life so the readers think that they are actual people. They soon end up having the same goal which is to get rid of any misery anyone would experience so they try to create a utopian world. Throughout the story Travis appears to be the antagonist and stops the characters from achieving their goal whereas in reality he is trying to create a eutopian world aswell. The characters end up going insane and have to continue assuring themselves that they are only human when they aren't. The interesting thing is that the whole book will be written in dialogue to create the illusion of what is going on in Travis's mind and I won't say where they are exactly except if it is brought up in the conversation. The thing I can't decide on is whether or not to stop using dialogue in the last chapter when Travis steps out into reality. To clarify Travis isnt dreaming and the story is that he is merely projecting his goal onto the characters. However whenever something goes wrong he kills off the character in weird ways which subtly hints that something isn't right. This soon creates the idea that there is no such thing as perfection because noone ever succeeds in creating utopia. Later on Travis gains a connection to the figments and feels he should create utopia since he killed off most of the characters. This is when the real world and his imagination clash because the barrier was him being evil in his imagination but now he's become good.

Bipolar ll.. But am I hallucinating?

Well, tough to say without knowing more or experiencing it myself. Could be a few different things. Withdrawls from meds but I doubt that. Could be signs of schizophrenia but could also be paranormal. I would hate for a dr to diagnose you with that if you are experiencing paranormal activity. Do you know anyone that is a sensitive to spirits? If not maybe you can find a digital recorder and ask questions to the thin air, leave pauses to see if anyone answers. If there is something recorded on the tape then you are not hallucinating you are just sensitive to spirits,whichh is nothing you should fear because they can't hurt you. Even if it is all in your head it still can't hurt you but you nee to go back on your meds then to see if it stops. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I hope you find the answers you need...

Are makeup/moisturizers in jars really so unsanitary?

I don't see why so many people hate makeup packaged in jars. They complain how "unsanitary" it is, but if you washed your hands and face and then moisturized, does it really matter? Of course you can't wash 100% of all dirt away but I doubt there is ANYTHING harmful that will cause breakouts if you get the product out with clean hands and put it on a clean face. Is it really that bad?

Middle names for Shiloh?

I wanna use the name Shiloh to honor my faith, since I am Jewish and Shiloh is a Hebrew name. I cannot think of any middle names though. It would be great if there were any Native American (cherokee, blackfoot, cheyenne, and shawnee) names that could honor the rest of my heritage, or Polish or German names to honor my husband's. Still, we are open to any middle names. Thanks

Does this mean that my boyfriend is controlling/jealous guy?

I don't think he's controlling. I think he's an arrogant gold digger who likes bossing you around. You can do so much better.

Names that sound good with Lee?

There is this actress Debra Paget, but her real name is spelled Debralee you can also spell it Debra Lee as well.

Do you think my dog is pregnant?

I thought my dog was at the end of her cycle. She is not spayed. We recently got a puppy, he is now 5 months old, we have had him for a month now. He is due to be fixed next month. He was trying to mount my female about 1 1/2 weeks ago but recently stopped. They did not mount together (As what I saw). I called the vet to ask if he could get her pregnant and he says he doubts it. Now this is what I am wondering. About three days ago my dogs bottom nipples started to swell, shes taking toys and making a nest, she is lactacting alittle bit, and whining (at everything but not a painful wine). More like a I dont know what to do with myself whine. I called the vet again and he said its more than likely a false labor and that I should put a warm cloth on her nipples that it will pass in about a week, if it doesnt to bring her in. What does everyone think? Does a dog show pregnancy symptoms this early? Do you think it a false labor? Also, some ppl said that you will know if he gets her pregnant because they will stick together but they didnt do that.

How do I view someones wall on facebook?

If you are not friends with him and his profile wall is blocked off to non-friends, then you will not be able to see his profile. for example, if he blocked his wall from people who aren't his facebook friends because there was some creeper stalking him, it would be unfair to him if somehow the creeper was able to get to his wall. does this help?

Is E.A.A.S Lottery a real or not?

i had a message of winning some big amount in dollars withoutn potting any lettery ticket in this scheme. a barrister is corresponding me to collect my winning cheque on paying a tax fee equal to $780. i am in doubt either it is a real one or fraud?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Need Help Narrowing Down My Name List # 2?

Rose, august, ellie, and harper are my favorite. Rose and ellie are coming back, and august and harped are different. I do think that charlotte and flo are very old fashion, but its up to you and what you feel will suit.

What do you think of Onision's new gf Shiloh?

She seems like a nice girl. The only problem is that ever since she came along, Onision's been so "blinded with love" that his videos are starting to suffer, and he's being meaner and meaner to his fans. I find it surprising that Shiloh hasn't tried to make him calm down about it, so I don't know how nice she is...

How do i make up with this girl?

We used to be really good friends. Then I accidently took some stuff out on her, and now she hates me, and says im making her life a misery. Ive apologised on her fb page and tried to chat to her and she wont reply. I feel so awful and ashamed and i have to go to her birthday party on the 14th July and i want to make up by then. If you think she is over reacting u r rong i was an ***. Help me...

Warm sensation in bottom of right foot?

It's possible you have some sort of athletes foot, or foot fungus. It can be invisible or microscopic sometimes. If I were you I would schedule a doctors appointment, or mention it during your next checkup.

NAMEEEEESS pleasee!!!!!!?

Love Oceanne! Love Shiloh! So maybe those two together?! If i had to pick from the SETS you have listed it would be Shilow and Jessyca! Congrats

Tell me what you think about my plot idea for a novel?

It's about someone called Travis and in the story everyone and everything is a figment of his imagination. In the story the characters from his imagination live out there life so the readers think that they are actual people. They soon end up having the same goal which is to get rid of any misery anyone would experience so they try to create a utopian world. Throughout the story Travis appears to be the antagonist and stops the characters from achieving their goal whereas in reality he is trying to create a eutopian world aswell. The characters end up going insane and have to continue assuring themselves that they are only human when they aren't. The interesting thing is that the whole book will be written in dialogue to create the illusion of what is going on in Travis's mind and I won't say where they are exactly except if it is brought up in the conversation. The thing I can't decide on is whether or not to stop using dialogue in the last chapter when Travis steps out into reality. To clarify Travis isnt dreaming and the story is that he is merely projecting his goal onto the characters. However whenever something goes wrong he kills off the character in weird ways which subtly hints that something isn't right. This soon creates the idea that there is no such thing as perfection because noone ever succeeds in creating utopia. Later on Travis gains a connection to the figments and feels he should create utopia since he killed off most of the characters. This is when the real world and his imagination clash because the barrier was him being evil in his imagination but now he's become good. Can you also add a bit of detail about what you think about the idea and how I could improve it?

Do you like this plot for a novel?

It's about someone called Travis and in the story everyone and everything is a figment of his imagination. In the story the characters from his imagination live out there life so the readers think that they are actual people. They soon end up having the same goal which is to get rid of any misery anyone would experience so they try to create a utopian world. Throughout the story Travis appears to be the antagonist and stops the characters from achieving their goal whereas in reality he is trying to create a eutopian world aswell. The characters end up going insane and have to continue assuring themselves that they are only human when they aren't. The interesting thing is that the whole book will be written in dialogue to create the illusion of what is going on in Travis's mind and I won't say where they are exactly except if it is brought up in the conversation. The thing I can't decide on is whether or not to stop using dialogue in the last chapter when Travis steps out into reality. To clarify Travis isnt dreaming and the story is that he is merely projecting his goal onto the characters. However whenever something goes wrong he kills off the character in weird ways which subtly hints that something isn't right. This soon creates the idea that there is no such thing as perfection because noone ever succeeds in creating utopia. Later on Travis gains a connection to the figments and feels he should create utopia since he killed off most of the characters. This is when the real world and his imagination clash because the barrier was him being evil in his imagination but now he's become good.

WDYT of these names (5 boys & girl plus BQ)?

I adore all the boys names, I think Levi is my favorite it's so cool and different. I would take out Shiloh and Suri though I never liked them at all (thats just me). My favorite on your girls is Amelia so cute. :)

I have been with my boyfriend five years im 22 he is 30 i accuse him alot and nag him alot its like a disease?

i cant stop he takes care of home he does for my little girl and she is not his we have one on the way though and it will be his first child. My problem is that i found a condom in his coat pockett three years ago he said he didnt use them i found it again this year once and last year once i know he cud be lien but he swears me down he does not cheat. I wanna believe him and give him the benefit of the doubt. Should i forgive him....this man does anything for me and my child and now im carrying his first child do you all think he can change if he is cheating. I really cant say he is doing anything he is always with me and is in the house early everynight now since he found out im pregnant. were having a girl. How can we make this work? He does not seem to wanna be with anybody else he says he wants to get married and b a family idk what to do but i know i should stop nagging him so much being that he brings in the bread

I started smoking today and my iPad killed my dog. What do I do?

On Man Vs. Wild Bear Grills said i should smoke before its to late and i was like sure what the ****. So i started to smoke in my car and all of a sudden the Marching Hammers crushed my car, the Rolling Stone lips licked me and Bob Dylan put me in his harmonica and blew me out. I went home to go on my iPad and then it said **** you and went on the gun app and shot my dog. Then I went to a party and woke up in a cell tied up with a dead guy next to me. Then a guy with targets on his face started talking. How do I get out of there? Now everything is going waaaaaahhhh and the world is melting and then Jeseus came and hit me and i flew into te ground and a read giy with horns started talking and then i shot him and i started to go on a rampage until i remembered i was hindu then Ganesha hit me with its trunk and tgen i remembered i actuallybwas a christian but then i wasnt sure. So i grew wings and flew to earth. When i woke up i was in the zoo and the zookeepers were doing the animals while a lion was doing my butt ao i said gtfo and he cried so i shot him to put him out of his misery. Then i got hit in the head by a zookeeper and when i woke up again i was in the museum of natural history in the ape exhibit. Can you drive me home?

What Do You Think About These Uncommon Girls Names?

I love the name Arden! I give it a 9/10! As for the other two... I would give Shiloh a 4/10. I think the name honestly isn't very pretty, and also it has to much celebrity popularity. Besides its supposed to be a boys name, the dog in the book Shiloh is a boy. I would give Darby a 3/10. I have never liked the name.

Birth control help and tips?

the past 3 moths i have been on birth control. this month i have taken 10 pills. I have 11 more regular pills to take before i start the sugar pills (the ones that make you bleed) So i should begin my cycle on july 10th and end the 16th. I was Planning a vacation on the 13th-17th and was wondering if i took my sugar pills about a week before i am supposed to take them, if i could have my period sooner and just start another pack after that? Because i would Really enjoy a vacation without cramping and misery haha:)

Is God teasing me? I'm really starting to hate him.?

It's the Devil telling you all these lies and whatnot. You need to pray. Don't give up on him. ‘Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10

Misery index hits 28 year low. Lowest since Carter administration made the index to watch.?

haaaaa aaah now that's a true misery of prediction,,,,I do agree as all it takes is one more big event to set the misery market Dc GOV style,,,,,to include FEMA camps in use......Dr.Von Boron

Feeling lonely plz help. Iam depressed in my life. Good morning.?

Life!! Which has the both things in it. One is happy and misery . But i have got only misery in ma life. Iam born in good family, they have given all compforts in my life. But i didn't get the love and kindness from them. Feels very bad. I have two sisters. One is doctor. But no use , she and my father always scoulds me alot. As iam very sensitive. There little words make me to feel loneliness in my life. I want to live my family in one year and iam student aged 18. So iam looking for job and iam studying diploma. I feel iam born in abnormal world with normal mind. Sometimes violations and wars, makes me too depress in my life. Ya i had one girl which become the burden instinct of happy in my life. I have left her because since iam minor aged. I have realized wat is my duty in my life. I dont know wat to do in my life. Ty for spending ur time to read this.....

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

Well, it sounds like she's secretly lesbian, or is bi. Maybe shes not getting luv from her man like she wants

Why choose to tell the truth and bring misery on yourself than persist in lies and remain safe?

I would lie as much as it took, since it would probably screw her life up completely to know the truth. You're protecting both your mom and dad--assuming that things are otherwise working out fine--and there's nothing wrong with that.

Can I name our daughter Shiloh?

I am Jewish, and since I the mother am Jewish my children are automatically considered Jewish (my husband is not). I'd like to honor that, as expected, with a Jewish name, if I can. However I can't find many that I like. Shiloh is actually Hebrew, and means his gift. I think it's beautiful, however nobody I tell it to likes it because of Angelina and Brad Pitt. My question they really "own" that name? I mean by time my child is in school 5 or 6 years from now...and I mean nobody at 5 or 6 will know them so really it isn't a concern til much later...would they really get teased for it?

Dropped out, What now?

I dropped out about two years ago mostly because I was put in a lower educational level class because I skipped school quite often, So because I skipped school they determined I had retard level education. I don't want to go back to high school i highly doubt they would let me if i asked, So what do i do now? I could try to get a GED but what does a GED really do. Is a GED as good a HS Diploma? If not then how would i go about earning my HS Diploma without actually going back to high school. I assume this all depends on my location. Well i live in Ontario, Canada. Any information is appreciated. Thank you.

Is this good?.........................…

I want to erase the past, but its scratched too hard in this marble stone of history, People won't forget, People won't move on, Its a goddamn misery.

Why were Beagles so common in movies?

I noticed that there are a lot of dog movies with Beagles as the "lead" dog in them, like Shiloh and Cats & Dogs, and I was just wondering why that is? They aren't very easy to train, and I was just thinking that it would be a lot easier to have a smarter breed. Anyone know why?

Help with Civil War Debate?

Hello. In social studies, we are going to have a Civil War debate: North vs. South. I was assigned to the south, and the class is divided in half, and each side has one team leader. There’s about 25 students in the class, so about 12-13 kids on my team. The team leader gave each student 4 topics to work on, and my teacher gave us a list of 52 topics. My topics are: The Battle of Antietam; The Battle of Shiloh; The Battle of Chancellorsville; and the Emancipation Proclamation. I’ve honestly spent a couple of hours looking through the textbook (which mentions little of the battles), and through school books. We aren’t allowed to take out any books from the school library because all the books about the Civil War is supposed to stay in my teacher’s classroom for everybody to use. I may be able to get books from the public library (depending how busy my mom is with work). So my question is, do you know of any reliable and helpful books; websites; and etc. which may be able to help me? I have to have 30 index cards in total (so about 8 for each topic) and I already have a few. However, they are mostly about poor leadership and such, though I would like to find something other than poor leadership (which is hard for the battles). And this isn’t last minute either.

How do you deal with the feeling of "having wasted my life"?

Ya im really shy but it's not wasting it's just part of who u are, just be happy with it becuz it won't go away

Do u think what my sister has done is out or order?

well my sisters little boy is the same age as mine they are both in the same school, a few months ago my husbands ex brought her child to the same school which our children attend and her son is also the same age and in the same class as my nephew. i wasnt very happy about it but wouldnt stop my son playin with him( its not the childs fault) .. however my husbands ex has put us throught years of misery and she has also cost him his eldest son whom he hasnt seen in years and has missed out on his child hood which even to this day kills him inside. well my sister is now gettin pally pally with his ex knowing full well the amount of **** shes caused over the years and all i get from her is "i cant help who my son plays with at school" .... am i over reacting ???? i dont think i am, all i know is if the roles were reversed i wouldnt do that as i know were my loyalties lie.

Is the The Melting Pot a gay-friendly restaurant?

For my boyfriend's birthday I am planning to take him to The Melting Pot in Destin, FL. I was wondering if this restaurant as a chain tends to be gay-friendly? I have reserved a private dining room, roses, balloons, teddy bear, and a photo of us as part of one of their package deals. It will be, without a doubt, obvious that we are gay to the wait staff, and I think the private room will make my boyfriend be more at ease instead of in the main dining area.

Deadgirl movie, how scary?

So I want to watch the movie Deadgirl with Shiloh Fernandez but I'm not sure how scary it will be. Can someone tell me how intense it is without giving away any spoilers? Thank you :)

What do you think of my friends names?

my friend has two daughters aqua esme and layla sunny. she is expecting twins (boy and girl) and wants to name them skye annalie and river shiloh or shiloh river. everyone gave her loads of grief for calling her first daughter aqua and now she is worried what people will think. Any advice on what to tell her?

I hate my dad so much he thinks i have an attitude when i dont?

my dad is living in the 80s he so strict like today i come home shopping and i bought a pair of heels and he went physcho he kept saying 'who do you think you are!' and stuff like i know 12 year olds with heels im 15 for crying out loud! he says i have an attitude and he says im greedy and stuff like and all i care about is money he says he's dissapointed in men and he thinks im the worst child in the world, he thinks i should help around the house and clean be super duper nice all the time! he puts so much pressure on me he doesnt understand i have school work to do and if i ask for money he says im greedy because i dont help him when i do! if i answer back once he says im rude or what not! he;s making my life a misery and im not even aloud to go out or anything after i work so hard on my exams and got a's and everything if im out later than 8 pm he goes crazy! he's crazy! i need to live my life! please help!

Opinions on this plot line please?

It's about someone called Travis and in the story everyone and everything is a figment of his imagination. In the story the characters from his imagination live out there life so the readers think that they are actual people. They soon end up having the same goal which is to get rid of any misery anyone would experience so they try to create a utopian world. Throughout the story Travis appears to be the antagonist and stops the characters from achieving their goal whereas in reality he is trying to create a eutopian world aswell. The characters end up going insane and have to continue assuring themselves that they are only human when they aren't. The interesting thing is that the whole book will be written in dialogue to create the illusion of what is going on in Travis's mind and I won't say where they are exactly except if it is brought up in the conversation. The thing I can't decide on is whether or not to stop using dialogue in the last chapter when Travis steps out into reality.

Do you like this plot for a novel?

It's about someone called Travis and in the story everyone and everything is a figment of his imagination. In the story the characters from his imagination live out there life so the readers think that they are actual people. They soon end up having the same goal which is to get rid of any misery anyone would experience so they try to create a utopian world. Throughout the story Travis appears to be the antagonist and stops the characters from achieving their goal whereas in reality he is trying to create a eutopian world aswell. The characters end up going insane and have to continue assuring themselves that they are only human when they aren't. The interesting thing is that the whole book will be written in dialogue to create the illusion of what is going on in Travis's mind and I won't say where they are exactly except if it is brought up in the conversation. The thing I can't decide on is whether or not to stop using dialogue in the last chapter when Travis steps out into reality. To clarify Travis isnt dreaming and the story is that he is merely projecting his goal onto the characters. However whenever something goes wrong he kills off the character in weird ways which subtly hints that something isn't right. This soon creates the idea that there is no such thing as perfection because noone ever succeeds in creating utopia. Later on Travis gains a connection to the figments and feels he should create utopia since he killed off most of the characters. This is when the real world and his imagination clash because the barrier was him being evil in his imagination but now he's become good.

What do you think of these baby names?

Shiloh Cadence is a beautiful name. I love that one for the girl name. For the boys, I can't choose between Parker Cameron and Benjamin Asher. (Asher would be a good one in General!) You have picked very well names. They are all beautiful. The only one I do not like is Declan Oliver. I don't know why. It just doesn't interest me, but other than that, the names are beautiful.

Do you feel a strange sense of obligation, even if it's not necessary or even harmful,?

No! It infuriates my MIL, who insists that we are there when the gate opens and stay for the fireworks as the gates close. They have season passes, but my kids and I do not. I take them once a year, and my in laws insist that I get my money's worth. I don't see the point in being at Cedar Point at all if we're not having fun.

A man with no habits....good joke..?

It wasnt funny. I was actually expecting something heart felt at the end or something that makes you smile completely forgetting this was a joke.

What's wrong with my throat?

So basically i have a cold... Ears, nose, throat... The ears aren't so bad. And i can deal with a plugged up nose and sinus headaches is always throat aches i CANT deal with. I hate them. Normally i'd just endure it and hope the end of this misery is near but i think it's gotten more severe. Worse than i've had, anyways. So each day i've been noticing it's getting worse. Hurts to swallow to the point where i don't even want to but i've still been shoving liquids down my throat. Tea, water, juice. But today now i can't swallow much. Not unless i want to go through a decent amount of pain. I can feel this weird lump on my neck on either side... Think where you'd check for a pulse... Just above that. It's getting harder to breathe so i decide i'd go look in the mirror... Open my mouth and find my tonsils to be touching my uvula thing... well they look like they are. and they have weird white spots on them. almost kanker sore looking. They look pretty gross and it's pretty painful.... My mom won't take me to the Docs though. I told her i'm having a harder time breathing and my tonsils are planning an attack and slowly moving in but she just tells me not to be a drama queen... Is there anything to deal with this? anyone know what it is. It's pretty suckish... and i'd like to convince mommie dearest to take me.... but.. Well. Help is appreciated.

How can i find a bi/lesbian woman?

Im a19 yr old latina. ive dated many men and i love men! no doubt about it ! but ive always wanted to be with a girl just for fun. ive kissed a girl before but couldnt really take advantage of the moment since my friends were all freaked out when they saw and i didnt want to make then feel uncomfortable. anyways how can i talk to a girl and find out if they like women too.... ive tried dating sites but its kinda scary and i dont want to risk myself and enter a dangerous situation. how can i meet women in my area?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Songs tat make you happy and smile?

I need songs that send positive vibe. Like you'd want to get up, dace around the place and sing along. Like marron 5 - misery, VV Brown - Shark In The Water; Pixie Lott - Coming Home, and many many Glee songs (Proud Mary, Halo & Walking on Sunshine, Lean On Me, Just the way you are, Loser like Me and etc). Hit me up with suggestions of positive and upbeat songs! Thank you!

How do you make things happen?Everything and Everyone i ever wanted i never got,am i cursed do you think fate?

Don't blame it on god, fate, curse or whatever. It is none of these things, do not look to blame it on something. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and try again. If anything it is a flaw in character.

What is Shirk and what is Kufr? I need some serious help?

SalamShirk is believing another power which can be asked for help and be worshipped besides Allah so we will have great sins and unforgivable. Kuffr is disbelieving the existence of Allah

Am i heartbroken or what?

Theres this girl i met 2 years ago online, we became buddies, chatting everyday on cam... She lately disappeared for like 6 months and yesterday she came back... She used to love me, but sometimes she had her moments where i got ****** up and .... i told her miss her and i love her yesterday... she says i miss you too but sorry im with someone else. We were gonna meet pretty soon. Tell me what would you do if u were in my shoes... i couldnt sleep at night, ive been banging my head because of jealousy and misery, and i cried myself to sleep and experienced some bad nightmares about her.... im heartbroken i just... i dunno what to do... i wont say im gonna kill myself because nobody is worth killing yourself for... I just feel pretty bad and killed from the inside... Any Advice?

Middle name that sounds good with shiloh?

i'm having a girl naming her shiloh cant think of a good middle name, i want something girly since shiloh isnt very girly. thanks and the last name is brown

♥ Opinions on these rare names?

A few of them sound like movie names like Harry Potter, and the movie Eragon. Which just take away from the originality and rarity of the name itself. The others I do happen to like though.

What has happened to the "Misery Index" since 0bama was elected?

The Misery Index was created by the Democrats as a political tool and, appropriately enough, it is the highest it has been in the last 28 years.

If you were forced to work in a chocolate factory for life YET you were forced to be deprived of it for life,.?

I don't care much for chocolate so I could do that. I just wouldn't want to work in any kind of factory--I've done it. Men don't act overtly sexual with women because it's a turn off. Women want relationships. Since all it sounds like you want is sex I think you should get a prostitute.

Is anyone else here estranged from their dysfunctional family?

I feel alone. I have no one to relate to on this subject. I'm starting to wonder if I need to be more like them. Their dishonest and love to talk about each other and make fun of each other's misery. I prefer to help be honest and talk about feelings. I am no longer speaking to anyone except one of my brother's. Am I crazy? Is it me? Is there anyone else out there who has decided to not speak to their family and live a happy life?

UTI? Or am I broken? Help?

Put your used dildos up for sale on e-bay, make tons of money and then, Go see a ******* doctor. jeeesssuuuussssss Christ almighty...vvvvvv

Birthday baby name thing?

Sophia Gabrielle....I LOVE IT!!!! Sophia has always been my second favorite girl name (Annabelle is my first lol). My nickname would be Sophie!

Opinions On My Uncommon Girls Names?

I am a fan of unique names.... Honor is cute but very strong.....truitt sounds old however it makes for a nice nickname.... Stella is pretty as bout estella? Lol just a suggestion... Oh n screw the haters that hv nuthing nice to say! Its better than matt or katie a name 500,000 ppl share! No offense matt n katies of the world!

I think i've narrowed it down..?

I would probably switch them around a bit and perhaps use Kayla Payne :) But if I had to choose from the three, then Kayla Raze :)

Why should southerners care about the attack on 9/11?

Nothing but yankee wall street pricks that died. We hate the north and liberals and the more misery the better.

I need to put a mouse out of its misery?

I think I should put this dying mouse I found out of its misery but I dont know how I should do it, how would you?

Will this actually matter?

In my school we HAVE to take US history Junior year. and to graduate I only need 4 years of english and Global. 3 years of everything else. I am taking APUSH next year and my counselor said I was fine, so I'm sure you will be ok.

Stay working as Floor Staff at Regal Cinemas, or go work at Blockbuster for an assistant management position?

To be honest I enjoy my job at Regal. The only reason I am seeking another job is because my mother is pressing me to do so, and considering I live with her (I'm 19 and a college student), I have to abide by her wishes "for the most part". I would do both, but I have a feeling these companies run the same way with inconsistent hours. The reason that I don't like working at Regal has a lot to do with the pay, but I doubt that will change significantly. Another problem I have with Regal is the bi-weekly paychecks. It makes it hard for me to make my car insurance bill on time (sometimes). I know these jobs won't be what I'm doing for the rest of my life, but I want to have a job on my application that shows I'm competent. If I stay at Regal I'll probably make the two year mark, which just makes me look good (no extra benefits or anything). If I potentially get hired at Blockbuster I will have management on my resume. I just wish I could do them both. I know management would look better, but I don't want to jump into something I would hate and regret. Anybody have any Blockbuster experiences they want to share? Thanks!

Biological Dad VS Step Dad...In A Parental Crisis!!?

You're right not have anything to do with the father ever again. If when he is out of jail, he starts to take interest, then let him. He will try it to get to you and see if you will let him back in your life. There might even be a custody battle. Be aware. That is how he will try to get you back. Sounds like you brought stability back and that is what the child needs. Don't give in. Stay with your feelings they are right. Mothers usually get custody because of a tender year law. You don't need a deadbeat for a Dad.

A vague question about human nature/pain/and happiness?

No matter how miserable we may be because of the things we cannot control, we still go on living. In some moments, our misery disappears and those things become insignificant. Sometimes those things seem like they may never matter ever again. But eventually they catch up to us. They knock on the doors of our hearts and like fools we invite them in so that they may rummage through our most personal belongings and tear them apart. Why? It’s so easy sometimes, to let pain take ahold. Is it not just as easy to let happiness make itself at home?

My Favorite Names: Please Comment And Rate?

From the girls I like Ruby & Suri & Ella. Although I like Ella Victoria Faith better than Ella Lorelei Faith. From the boys I like Liam & Elijah.

I remember seeing an anime movie with a forest spirit who was almost like water, I don't know what its called?

To be honest I never actually saw it, I thought maybe that it was Princess Mononoke but I just watching it and didn't have the character that I'm seeing in my minds eye. I was similar in the feel of the movie so I thought it was by the same creator, but I cant find it their ether. The spirit was a girl no doubt, she was a teal color of greens and blues, he hair flowed like water as she moved about a forest. I think I saw it during a commercial I guess I just want to know if it was something I really saw or my mind just fabricated.

Need help putting someone in their place!?

I have two children with my partner. his parents insisted that he have a paternity for our first child despite the fact that they looked identical. My partner denied the paternity in court because he had no doubts it was his son. now we just had our second child and this babe looks like me this time and again his parents want a paternity done. they are paying for it and i told my partner that we should just take the test to shut them up. so we are going to take the paternity. after all is said and done and the results are back positive that he is in fact his father i want to say something to his parents. but im not sure what. i want it to set them straight that it hurts me that they assume im a whore and that it hurts my partner that they under estimate his judgment. any suggestions on what to say?

Do you think it's unnecessary (dumb) to have more than 3 names?

The reality of it is that it won't matter to any of us by tomorrow but it will matter to you and your husband. So even if we tell you it's stupid, please don't let this be the deciding factor. We don't have to deal with your husband's disappointment nor will we have to bear the name. Personally I wouldn't do more than 2 names because I'm so unbelievably difficult when it comes to picking names, not because it's stupid. Do whatever you and your husband are comfortable with and pay no attention to us.

Do you like this plot for a novel?

It's about someone called Travis and in the story everyone and everything is a figment of his imagination. In the story the characters from his imagination live out there life so the readers think that they are actual people. They soon end up having the same goal which is to get rid of any misery anyone would experience so they try to create a utopian world. Throughout the story Travis appears to be the antagonist and stops the characters from achieving their goal whereas in reality he is trying to create a eutopian world aswell. The characters end up going insane and have to continue assuring themselves that they are only human when they aren't. The interesting thing is that the whole book will be written in dialogue to create the illusion of what is going on in Travis's mind and I won't say where they are exactly except if it is brought up in the conversation. The thing I can't decide on is whether or not to stop using dialogue in the last chapter when Travis steps out into reality.

JUST GOT REJECTED...How do i get her off my mind!!!!!!?

Get pissed, work out and do some good hard work to physically get yourself out of it, hang out a lot with bros and only bros who will do the right thing and talk about how she's a witch, and have a cigar.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Question about bra sizes?

Ok so this is prob gonna be TMI. Sorry. Anyways, right now i am a 36C in bras but all my bras seem too small. I feel like my boob is about to fall out. I don't have a tape measures at my house so I can't be sure, but I measured the distance with my fingers and used a ruler (lol) and it looks like 4 inches, which would be a D. But my boobs are really pointy so I know I would not fill a D cup and there would be a lot of empty space. I told my mom but she didn't do anything. Should I just deal with a C until my boobs uh..round out? I'm 14 btw. My mom doubts that I am a D because she is a C but the C cups are already too small and I feel like they kinda squish my boobs in. Should I go get measured to see if I need a bigger size or if I am wearing the right one? The bras are not uncomfortable but I just want to wear the right size bra. Thanks for your help(:

I have been with my boyfriend five years im 22 he is 30 i accuse him alot and nag him alot its like a disease?

i cant stop he takes care of home he does for my little girl and she is not his we have one on the way though and it will be his first child. My problem is that i found a condom in his coat pockett three years ago he said he didnt use them i found it again this year once and last year once i know he cud be lien but he swears me down he does not cheat. I wanna believe him and give him the benefit of the doubt. Should i forgive him....this man does anything for me and my child and now im carrying his first child do you all think he can change if he is cheating. I really cant say he is doing anything he is always with me and is in the house early everynight now since he found out im pregnant. were having a girl. How can we make this work? He does not seem to wanna be with anybody else he says he wants to get married and b a family idk what to do but i know i should stop nagging him so much being that he brings in the bread

Hows the weather outside the wicket gate?

Isent it an un-nessasary Frustration and misery? Isent it realy self evident that the Lord and Savior is preferable among ALL the husks and mire and people of this world? IT IS. Isent it also self evident that Marveling and trying to reason out the Verily, Verily's, of Jesus Christ, And the working of the holy spirit with our bite size brains....Isent this an un-nessasary and self evident vanity? IT IS. For isent it also self evident that you cling knowingly to mere earthly waywardness and shadows such as these....Husks, Mire, People, Slavery, Pleasure, Bitterness, Blame, Self, and Marveling.....When all along the Pearl OF Great Price Is manifest unto You? Therefore Surrender...Surrender to the firm resolution of Heart, and the Willingness that is probly already at work in your soul. except your reality....That this is all thats before you and nothing else behind you. That faith is All that you have. For whosoever Will let him come unto me and Ill in nowise cast him out says the LORD. Theres no excuse

IPad2 32GB for $278 USD. Is this real website or Scam?

Guys i came across a site called which was recommended by one of my old friend. I just visited website and found most premium brands are listed and their offer prices are less than 50%. Like Alienware, Apple macbook pro laptops are under 400$USD. I have a DOUBT is this site real or another scam by Chinese peoples. the message under the mail seems to be kinda fake i mean does not sound it was written by my friend though i have just sent him a reply to ask about this site......but also sharing it with you're all.

How do I treat someone with Gender identity disorder?

Do I tell them they have to live the way they were born and set them down a life of misery or do I let them be the opposite sex and be happy?

How do you like these names? Hers Vs. Mine?

I think you should try to go with the most classic names that you have on your lists. Classic, as opposed to trendy names will always be a hit! To this end I think Alexandra, Ava and Evie are lovely! I also like the name Blake. Clearly, you totally disagree with me but it's all a matter of opinion. I gave my daughter a classic name and I've received a lot of compliments on it.

Am i heartbroken or what?

Theres this girl i met 2 years ago online, we became buddies, chatting everyday on cam... She lately disappeared for like 6 months and yesterday she came back... She used to love me, but sometimes she had her moments where i got ****** up and .... i told her miss her and i love her yesterday... she says i miss you too but sorry im with someone else. We were gonna meet pretty soon. Tell me what would you do if u were in my shoes... i couldnt sleep at night, ive been banging my head because of jealousy and misery, and i cried myself to sleep and experienced some bad nightmares about her.... im heartbroken i just... i dunno what to do... i wont say im gonna kill myself because nobody is worth killing yourself for... I just feel pretty bad and killed from the inside... Any Advice?

What's the Name of this dog Book?

Okay, so Its about a boy who gets this dog; I don't know where he gets it from, and its a hunting dog. He lives on a farm, and his Grandpa owns a store. The boy uses it to hunt racoons, etc. in the forest, and enters into a hunting contest and wins, or close to it. I think in the end the dog dies, its a kind of sad ending. I think at the end its revealed that its narrated by the boy now an Old man, but Im not sure about that part. I think the most similar book I can think of is Shiloh.

Am I wrong about feeling hesitant about this? ?

My grandfather and grandmother are going to be put in a home, my uncle as well because grandma and uncle have alzheimer's disease. I want what's best for all of them. I just worry about them being victims of neglect. My aunt told my uncle she doesn't love him and never did. I know he'd be better away from her but I still have doubts about nursing homes. Is my concern valid? Help me

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

lipstick lesbian darlin` lol. She may want to make-out because she thinks guys will think its sexy... Unfortunatly people prey on weakness... as a woman you should know that we want only what we cant have. If you want her... appear unattainable, if her interest dwindles it`s probably because shes not into you but into the idea of you. If shes on you like white on rice, make a move.

Where is the whole Cena/Vince/CM Punk storyline going?? :/?

This is exactly what's going on. Weaseling has been going down hill for sometime now. That's why stone Cole had to come back and make things fun again. Lol no one is getting fired ever. Like you said if they do they will be back the next week with some diffent drama. If you ask me I think the should have did a stunner or pet agree on the queen. Lmfao

My ipod 4th gen wont charge?

it's basically brand new I JUST bought it brand new not even a month ago and have no ida what happened, when I plug it into my computer nothing happens but when I pug it into my other ipod touch it charges. it cant bebeause of my computer or cord because it worksfor my other ipod and I've already held the lock and menu button down for 10-15 seconds andit still won't chare- which also mean i cant add more music. PLEASE HELP IM IM MISERY >.>

Are these cute for triplets? + BQ?

Congratulations on your family, I like your names they are all unique and friendly sounding. I'm the least fond of shiloh, because it could be for a girl or boy, I kinda like Miranda Alexandra.

Did I do the right thing?

There are times in every life when you have to choose between doing what's best for you and doing what's best for your friends. You did what you did for the right reasons, and while it's natural to feel guilty, you really had no choice, and you don't need to apologize for it.

What do you think of my cycle poems? Do they work?

3rd one but then it's more like a song. The others are good, but appear to be trying to hard to sound like something instead of feeling it from your heart. The first one has to mant I's and I'm in it when its almost that it should be using thy, thine, theeee it switches up.


No, you didn't "come". When you get turned on you get like that down there to prepare for sex. It's self lubrication. You two sound like you're friends with benefits. If you are both okay with just hooking up and no commitment then go for it.

Zumba...does it work?

I have no doubt it would be affective but I want to hear from all of YOU. How good is Zumba? Is it safe? Did you drop weight, and did it happen QUICK? Give me as much detail as you like, I ant to know, I would like to try it. What is your advice?

Why do I want to die so bad?

I am a 17 year old male and it seems that everyone around me that's my age is so chipper and eager to see how their lives will pan out; I share no such sentiments. Every day when I go to bed I pray I won't wake up, I don't care how my life will pan out; all I know is that it will be filled with suffering and misery, I don't care about going to college or taking SATs or how my grades are, I just want to leave this stupid planet. For some reason, I don't have the desire to commit suicide directly; I am somewhat religious so apparently I'll go to hell if one day I decide to cut my wrists or hang myself. That aside, there probably will be people that will miss me if I'm gone; it's just hard to care when they're all the happy ones and I can't think about anything other than death. I just really can't help but feel there is no purpose to life; I hope a plane falls on me. Why do I feel like this? I wish I didn't, I just can't see the glass half full.

How do I tell my friend the reason he can't get a girlfriend?

Try to tell him indirectly. when he gets a new email gf or whatever, tell him you want to help him do the smooth-talking. If that doesnt work, you're just going to have to be honest with him.

How would my hair look like this ?

I think it would look really nice. I would guess the pink in her hair is Manic Panic's Hot Hot Pink which will turn out really well if your hair is already pretty light.

Sanatana Dharma : Where & What , is the Abode of Lord Shiva ?

Pralay doesn't affect Shiva's abode,the Kailasa mountains in the Himalayas.Lord Shiva is supreme & eternal.He's also called as "Rudra" and his avataras as "Rudravataras".Shri Hanuman was his 11th Rudra.

Godmother rights? If your a lawyer or work w. the court this is for you.?

My friend is 15. she just had a baby (alyce of 2 months) & the father has never really been apart of the life except for a few times. Hes even been abusive when she was pregnant such as pushing her & cursing @ her. The baby was taken away from my friend cause of domestic violence & put in a foster home. when she did have the baby i always came by & gave her stuff like shampoos, diapers, clothes, etc to help support the baby. torie said i was her god mother & that if anything happened id be the person she called. well they took the baby away & now she needs my help. if im the godmother could i get the baby rather than the foster parents. & what kind of proof would i need to show that im the godmother or what process would i have to go through? im 15 as well but my dad said hell help obviously hed be the big provider for the baby. he makes a good income & we live comfortably & can support the child w.out a doubt. help please. how could i win the baby over ? it means alot.

Husband watching porn. I really need advice.?

so... let him watch it. maybe you can watch it too with him while your daughter's asleep. that might improve your sex life. have fun and keep on f*cking!

Do you like these cute/ unusual names?

I personally love unique names. I think most of the people that are judgmental on these kid of names are just from an older generation that are not more open to them. Mattelyn Harlow is cute. Love how you spelt Maisyn. Sailor is a lil to out there for me especially w/ that middle name. Shiloh Daysie is even cute. For boys I like all of them except Crew Maverick. Love how you change the spellings. Even Jaxon is real cute. My son's name is Camden too :0) so of course I like that. More power to you. Unique names are great don't let anyone bother you too much it's not like your naming a child Moxie crimefighter or something crazy like that.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Help I 'm feeling like I am being suffocated?

I recently came to new york to live but had to go back to london. I'm a gentle white girl and like my white ways but I find too many black people make my life a misery, their cruel and rude and they all seem to exhibit bad breath. thing i moved from london because it is full of black people to new york but have found all people in new york to be full of black folk. I want to not hate black people but can't how do I cope with this?

Girls, why did she have to do this?

She's damaged, scared and probably expecting you to do one on her. A few months ago i was the same , i dated lads and do one of them before they could hurt me first. I had been in the same situations as your ex girlfriend expect my father wasnt abusive my ex was. Have you thought about talking to her? Yes you'll find it hard moving on. The thing is , for a girl that is as damaged as her takes ALOT of time to get over it. It's her problem to overcome it + if she is anything like i am she will resent the people she is currently with because she feels like she'll be hurt again , they'll abuse her. You may even find she can't find it in herself to accept the fact it was her fault .. i was the same .. i knew deep down it wasnt my fault but i blamed myself and often other people including my boyfriend. I was paranoid because of cheating but my boyfriend stood by me , took all my **** + eventually and slowly i changed , calmed down and im still working through it. The only way you'll get over it is to stop thinking about it. We all have questions that are unanswered and that's difficult but it's life. Unless you talk to her , you'll never know.

Having a little girl.. need help with names?

please don't name her shiloh-may or zoe-leigh... .that would just be a really sucky name to have. Reminds me of a dog(the shiloh-may part).. how about Elise-May? or maybe Marie-Charlotte. Sorry, I know the last one will make her name really long. Good luck!

What should i do? D: Never been in this situation .?

Yeah, I doubt he'd want a relationship after that too. Just move on and find someone else to date. I don't think it would work well between you two.

Where Does Your Soul Go When...?

Your non-sentient energy is redispersed, turned into kinetic energy just flaoting about, waiting to be reused. Leaving your life-less body behind to decompose or burn...

Did you know probably most guys on this planet would kill themselves if getting sex with women became,..?

Sounds to me like you should move to S.E. Asia where girls follow you around and want to do it with any guy...especially if there is a chance he may take her back to the Western World.

Allergic reaction to penicillin, blood blisters, will I be permanently disfigured?

No, not at all. You're lucky you stopped it after 10 days, this will in no way permanently disfigure you. See your doctor about the blood blisters. He can most likely give you a topical cream for them. Mine have always gone away. They are not permanent.

Add To My Name List Please....?

I was going to try to give you a unique name... however, after thinking about it i remembered all of the kids i met with unique names in school and all the kids thought they were weird.. I know you want your kids to stand out in the crowed.. but that is the last thing they want.

What should i do? I don't know what to do?

well, with that description of that girl, you should probably break up with her. If she likes your friends and doesn't pay attention to what you are saying than you need to break up. And you don't need to feel used or hurt..

I want to have a lucid dream. expierences anyone?

try going to bed early, for some reason your dreams will often be more vivid. and when having a vivid dream all you have to do is realize your dreaming. for example look for any oddities or things that don't make sense. another way to find out your dreaming is if you are unable to turn on lights. once you figure out your dreaming just go with it and try to hang on to your dream as long as you can before waking up. and i have smoked pot for years to and i still dream.

Poll: Why is there such a difference between Shiloh Jolie-Pitt and Zahara Jolie-Pitt?

at first i was gonna answer nicely...then you added some pretty rude commentsw...they aqre ur children love them...they are also adopted...they have no blood relation, therfore their genes are could u talk about children in such a way...

What website can I use to sell sporting event tickets?

I have tickets to a MLB baseball game I want to sell. I don't want to use craigslist because the event I have tickets for is located across the country and I doubt I'd be able to find anyone in my area wanting to buy them. Is there any other website you know of where I can sell them?

Tversity ps3 error 2104?

I doubt anyone here will be able to help with such a specific problem but, Whenever I attempt to play a video on tvserity (video is loacted on my laptop, playing it attempting to play it on a PS3) I get DLNA protocol error 2104. It shows all of the file names, but simply cannot play them.

Can I reenlist for Infantry if not an E-5?

Well I been hearing rumors about if your not a sergeant or higher than you cant reenlist. My ETS date is June of 2013 and I joined the Army Jan 2010 with a 3year and 16weeks contract. Being so I doubt I could make sergeant by the time im supposed to get out at least I went to Ranger school and got my tab or sucked a lot of dick which that's not me. So what could I do? and I dont wanna reclass to being a POG id rather get out than do that.

Problem with traps. Fat sitting on top or Muscle imbalance?

Ok, I kind of have a problem and I'm not sure if it's serious or not. Everytime I get into a push up position I look in the mirror with my shirt off and notice that my right trap seems to be bigger than my left. But when I'm standing straight both sides are aligned. I've recently booked an appointment with my doctor to see if I have some problem with my spine, but I highly doubt it since scoliosis doesn't run in my family. Other than that I'm 5'8, Male, and 150LB...and I do admit I'm kind of chubby lol. So, I'm not sure if this is a muscle imbalance or just fat sitting on my one side. I know you can't spot reduce, but I'd like to know if anyone has come across this before. Oh yea, I've also started going to the gym with my brother to get fit, but not entirely sure if it's fat or not. Thanks in advance!

What kind of BBs should I use for my airsoft rifle?

It's a UTG M324 Master Sniper (Gen 5). It's supposed to be like 450 FPS with .12g BBs, and around 315-325 with .20g BBs. Now... I was wondering, since it hops up like crazy with .20g BBs, should I get .25s or .30s? On Amazon, everyone says .25s work great (I got it off of Amazon), but with the insane curving it does with .20s, I kind of doubt them. Now I'm wondering: would .25s be enough, or should I go a bit further? Thanks in advance.